Livelihood promotion

Our Livelihood promotion programmes have been assisting the marginalized communities in exploring new forms of income generation and linking the community with their entitled benefits. Interventions at different levels are explored to help the communities overcome the livelihood challenges. Landless and land owning families are supported depending on their needs and necessities. We have initiated a number of income generation programmes that has benefitted over 800 families directly, till date.
Goat Bank:
The Goat Bank initiative was part of Income Generation support to the Women from marginalized communities. The aim was to provide an initial support by providing goat kids to selected members in the self help group. 200 kids were distributed among the self help group in the first phase of the programme. The group decided the recipients on the basis of the family situations and need of every members in the group. Selected members received the kids with conditions that they will take good care of the kids and when these kids turn into goats and start delivering young ones, one kid will be handed over to the next member in the group who did not receive in the first phase. At a time a goat gives birth to around 3-5 kids. The cycle of sharing a kid from the first delivery of the goat continued until all the members of the group have received atleast a goat.

Pig Bank
Pig bank was another income generation support to the women from marginalized groups. Musahar community prefers rearing pigs. But the landless community, with no permanent income, could not afford to buy pigs. We provided an initial support of piglets to the group, which decided the eligible recipients. The members who received the piglets agreed to take good care of it and also to handover the first piglet delivered to the next member in the group.
The pig bank programme was initiated an year ago, and now the members have started to earn from them.
Poultry Farming
Among the landless Musahar and Dalit communities, Poultry farming was also promoted as part of the Livelihood and Income generation programmes. Around 100 families started earning from the poultry farming after the programme was initiated. Chicks, worth around Rs. 70 – 80 could bring an economic benefit of Rs. 500-1000 for the farmers. As per the capacity, some among the community member has also intensified it to Poultry business, bringing large difference in their family earnings.