Director’s Note:

From the beginning, to this very day Jan Vikas Sansthan has been working continuously for the welfare of women and children from the communities that are socially, economically, educationally, politically and culturally exploited and deprived. Our effort has always been to bring the children, youngsters, and adults to the forefront, make them aware about their rights and protect them from the possible social exploitation.
The Constitution of India provides the provision of reservation for the deprived sections and the Government of India has initiated a number of welfare schemes for them, which are reflections of the Government’s commitment towards the exploited class. But in reality, they are still uneducated, poor, hungry and helpless. Their voices are being curtailed everywhere. Even after 70 years of Independence the situation has not changed, rather it has become worse and vulnerable that they have even forgotten to dream.
We believe that to uproot the existing exploitation of the deprived communities, apart from making schemes and laws, strong steps need to be taken at the Government and societal level which could make the community aware and receive the benefits in an organized manner. We believe that other development possibilities, other than the Government run schemes, need to be searched for and brought to action.
With our efforts, we have been able to organize around 18,000 women, adolescents and youths from the development blocks of Baksha, Machhlishahr and Badlapur in Jaunpur district, for whom there are constant efforts laid to help them strengthen their capacities through trainings and awareness programmes. We are also conducting various activities in the villages that could transform the community members into leaders, with conscious effort in the vocational or career opportunities for the young adults and women. We are also trying to extend our efforts to other blocks of Jaunpur district.
A number of times, we have also experienced the challenges put forward by the credulousness, lack of education, discriminations on the basis of gender and caste. But we have always strived to overcome such challenges with thought-provoking initiatives and will continue with our efforts in building an equal and just world. We are always grateful to the local administration, Media, People’s representatives and the enlightened people who have guided us till here and ahead……